
The tracks in Telluride are finally complete, and the first train arrives in town.


The train heads on through town in the afternoon sun.


The hill behind Ophir begins to take shape.  All 10 volumes of The RGS Story were required to get things just right.


New construction in Ophir!



Mockups of all the major buildings in place to help establish location and terrain contours.



Another view as we come off the bridge into Ophir. 


I hate cutting joists at an angle, so a cheap Stanley hinge gives me a solid mounting at any angle I want.


Where the fascia did cross a joist at a 90° angle, I used a right-angle strap to add a bit of stability.


I also don't like holes in my fascia, and I am too lazy to fill them in, so I glued the plywood to the blocks to which the hinges (or angles) are attached.


The fascia is mostly the same height all around the layout, but in a few places I made some adjustments for terrain elevation changes.

Ready to finish attic space, with previous owner's junk Finished attic space The basic L-girder tables are built All the joists are in place
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Cookie-cutter sub-roadbed for Vance Jct. and Rico Sub-roadbed for the first turn of the helix Vance Jct. and Rico on risers Support system for the helix
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Sub-roadbed in Ophir on risers Homabed roadbed in Vance Jct. and on the helix The first section of track, at the edge of Ridgway The first train runs from Placerville to Ridgway
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A tortoise switch machine in place How to fool an autofocus camera    
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